03 Jun The Qatar Airways rules
There is a specific list of rules you need to follow while working as cabin crew for Qatar Airways. Here are some of the most important ones:
You must get home before 4 am, even if you’re free the day after.
While I worked at Qatar Airways the time you could leave home wasn’t mentioned. I sometimes would arrive from a desert picnic at 3 am and go back to the camping two hours later; I would normally make pancakes for my friends during the two hours spent inside. It was thought that, after dawn,you could go out, especially since most of the crew thought that was the coolest period of the day and most suitable for running. And that was the time for the first prayer of the day (for our fellow Muslims) also.
During the 12 hours of rest before being transported by bus to the airport for duty (duty = flight or airport standby), you are allowed to leave the house for 90 minutes.
As I owned a car, I used to go and watch even only 2 basketball quarters, because it helped me disconnect, walk around the mall or visit acquaintances.
You are not allowed to wear jeans (the black, decent ones are accepted though) inside the office, technical building, aviation clinic or while travelling with Qatar Airways.
You must always dress business attire, and the girls’ skirt shouldn’t let their knees in sight. To these places you travel either by company taxi or by car that may be driven by your father, husband or brother.
Your father or brother cannot live in the same building with female flight attendants while on holiday.
I made a special request in the office so as, during my 4 consecutive days off, I could stay at the hotel with my family, and some other time I could go for a few days and live with my parents at some friends’ house. Of course I filled in all the details about the place I was staying in.
You cannot use the phone or use any electronic device when you’re on the bus to and from work.
The explanation is, while in uniform, you must maintain a professional image of the entire crew. Of course if you were last or first on the bus, you could send a message or make a call, provided you were not seen / heard by colleagues. The bus drivers were always very understanding.
You are not allowed to have alcohol, tobacco or pork products inside your home, and lately, candles have also been prohibited.
The explanation for alcohol, tobacco and pork products is obvious, and candles were banned because of a number of fire inside the houses.
You cannot distribute pictures of yourself in uniform on the internet.
You cannot distribute pictures of yourself in company of other crew members or friends where cigarettes or alcohol appear.
You cannot distribute pictures of yourself in a bathing suit.
It is believed that people know you’re a Qatar Airways flight attendant and the company’s image can be affected by how you display yourself on various social sites.
During flights you are not allowed to have religious or political debates with passengers or colleagues or gossip about your management team.
“I found out from another flight attendant that on flight XYZ, the Chief Cabin Crew reported a flight attendant for chewing gum.” – NO! There have been cases of the Chief Cabin Crew or even flight attendants who have reported episodes of “gossiping”.
A flight attendant is not allowed to chew gum!
When a flight attendant finds out she is pregnant, she must resign immediately.
To get married you need approval from the top management (the CEO) and you are given consent only if you have been with the company for at least five years.
You may receive visitors of the opposite sex in your apartment only between 7:00-22:00, and on entering the building they must identify by a residential certificate or passport with the security staff at the entrance.
The ID number is written in a register and the person must sign both for the entry and the exit of the building. At the same time, you, as the host, must open the door using your flight attendant identification (ID), so that the system knows if you receive visitors while at home. By having to do so, the office may spot if you break another rule that says you are not allowed to receive visitors during the 12-hour minimum rest before duty or home standby ( duty is considered not only flying, but also a course or standby duty at home or at the airport.)
Concerning the grooming (uniform + appearance) we had strict rules on colour shades that may be used for the make-up of the eyes and lips, varying on the colour of the uniform. Four products were a must for each flight: mascara, foundation, lipstick and nail polish coordinated to the colour of the lipstick. Before every flight, a grooming officer checks every flight attendant’s appearance.
You might think there are too many rules, but with time they become part of you. When I returned home, the first time I went out with my friends, at 2:30 in the morning I was checking my clock as I was used to being at home at 3:30. Arriving home at 5 am was a real event for me, I even posted that on Facebook.
Although having all these rules, I must say that cabin crew members find all sorts of ingenious methods to avoid them once in a while.
Join us on an exclusive 4 day training course. We’ll share everything you need to know to pass the cabin crew interview stages, we will edit your perfect CV and take professional pictures for your online application. At the end of the course, you will be fully prepared for the interview. Book your seat now!
Posted at 12:16h, 23 Aprilif someone wad terminated from qatar airways can he rejoin the company after long time ?
Posted at 09:34h, 09 MaySir I have a beard so can I apply to Qatar airways
Larisa Sîrbu
Posted at 16:12h, 10 MayHello! Qatar Airways has strict rules when it comes to grooming and the way their cabin crew looks. If you wish to work as a flight attendant for Qatar Airways, then you must shave your beard.
Kind regards,
Mahin Fatima ul zohra
Posted at 08:01h, 03 JulyHi I am mahin from Pakistan …. my dream to fly with qatar airways I love this job…. I need to apply for cabin crew but not available cabin crew job my dream I become a member of qatar airways this airline environment and also staff are very cooperative my dream to work with qatar airways staff I will try last 1 year for this vacancy but not response plz guide me what is way to apply this job I pray every time for this job …. I ans the people who can says It’s not possible this job start easy for you I always provide good works and also responsible plz give me one chance ma’am or sir
Posted at 08:39h, 12 AugustHi I need to apply for cabin crew but I have been searching for vacancy it’s not available will I be able to apply in the future
Posted at 01:00h, 15 JulyHello. Yes, in the last 3 years, while Mr. Rosen has become the Vice-president, a lot of the ex-crew files were reviewed and some of them were given the chance to rejoin the company. So any terminated crew could send a rejoining request letter to the Wellfare Office in attention of Mr. Rosen.
Zabed ahmadzi
Posted at 17:26h, 17 SeptemberHi, I am zabed ahmadzi from Afghanistan and I can speak 6 lingua English, italian, Norwegian, pashto , Urdu , and dari and also i heave italian residents permit then i work from 3 years guest waiter and good experience how to serve and now is my dreams to become air hostess only in Qatar airways because I travel in Qatar airways I loved and I wish become true my this dreams I am always praying from my god for my this dreams
Ana Maria
Posted at 17:28h, 25 SeptemberHello Zabed, you are very qualified to apply for a Cabin Crew job. Don’t hesitate and give the best to make your dream come true. Good luck and hope to see you flying very soon! 🙂
Posted at 11:42h, 11 OctoberHi there my name is Faith and I’m from South Africa I want to apply for a job as a cabin crew member for Qatar. Any tips on improving my chances for being hired? TIA
Ana Maria
Posted at 13:54h, 12 OctoberHello Faith, you should read our articles about Qatar Airways airline and exercise the tasks from the interview. Be sure you have the right attire and makeup and also be sure your photos and CV are perfect done, because that is the first thing they will see when you apply for the Cabin Crew position. Good luck and keep us posted about how it goes. Hope to see you among the clouds! <3
Posted at 00:08h, 14 Octoberwhat’s the age limit for a cabin crew
Ana Maria
Posted at 15:04h, 21 OctoberThe minimum age limit is 18 in Europe and 21 for Arabic airline companies. Good luck 🙂
Posted at 15:33h, 16 OctoberHi everyone, I just had the first day interview with the recruiters, I do speak five languages too and they were rally cool with me, the thing is that I had a phone call (unknown caller ID) later that day 21:00 pm that I couldn’t unswer and obviously I couldn’t call back, I know it’s my fault but is it a policy for them to call just once and not sending email?! Or maybe it wasn’t them and I just wasn’t called for the 2nd day interview?! 😛 anyway it was nice to meet them 🙂
Posted at 14:37h, 08 MarchHi everyone, am planning to attend cabin crew interview for Qatar airways and am 26 yrs old will I be able to attend the interview.
Posted at 19:12h, 31 JulyHi every one.. Am 39 yrs of age and been working with qataraiways ground services for 8 yrs. Since i jooned on 2009. Can i still go ahead and apply or am i too old for this.. Though i still look young.
Posted at 19:13h, 31 JulyI mean apply for cabin crew?
Posted at 13:03h, 28 DecemberSince the age of 7, I’ve dreamed of being a flight attendent… Now that I’m 21, my passion for being an air hostess is even stronger… I’ve previously worked as a teacher for 4years to support myself in my studies, and after graduation, I moved to Delhi and since August has been working at a restaurant so that I could get some experience to help me through the Qatar Airways Cabin Crew Interview…… Anyone can give me some tips??
Andreea Julei
Posted at 14:59h, 10 JanuaryHello.
The most important tip we can give you is to be prepared, and by this I mean:
-perfect English
-impeccable grooming
-experience in customer service
and of course patience. Even if you will not be succesful from the beginning, keep trying and you will get the job.
We wish you all the best and good luck!
Posted at 00:33h, 09 JanuaryCan a member of the Cabin crew wear necklace and Ring, during the flight/ during the day?
Andreea Julei
Posted at 14:49h, 10 JanuaryHello,
A cabin crew is not allowed to wear any kind of jewellery while working, except the wedding ring. But now it depends from company to company. What I am telling you now, it’s available for big companies like Qatar, Emirates, Etihad. Good luck!
Posted at 15:30h, 22 Novemberhello.. I’m Tsitsi from Zimbabwe aged 31.I always wish to work as an air hostess from my tender age. My question is do Qatar air ways employ Zimbabweans and am also married with 2 kids will they employ a married woman.
Posted at 20:23h, 16 MarchHi, first of all thanks for infortmation. I’d like to ask some questions. As I know, Qatar Airways Flight Attendant’s have 8 day off. Can we determine our “off days” if we inform the company for special days such as exams, birthday.
Anca Dumitrescu
Posted at 07:35h, 24 AprilHi Esra,
YOu cannot choose your days off, unfortunately. They are imposed by the company according to your flying schedule.
Good luck!
Nancy mbuyi ngoyi
Posted at 00:14h, 27 JulyGood day I am Nancy I am 25 years old from Drc congo I am currently working in a restaurant as a waitress but my dream is to work as a air hostess is it possible for me to get that chance ?
Syra sohail
Posted at 17:26h, 05 AugustI am trying in Qatar airways for cabin crew. But still not getting any response from them . Kindly plz some one drop the cv format of Qatar airways
Tamara Anderson
Posted at 18:23h, 15 AugustI really enjoyed flying with Qatar to Italy from Sydney Aus.
Very professional.
Well looked after.
Love the bags with items in it.
Staff really great.
I praise for company to others.
I’m interested in flight attendants but I can’t be one because my mothering is my primary focus.
I’ve had 5 kids.
Take care
Tamara A
Ratna singh
Posted at 11:57h, 18 SeptemberHi, I am Ratna singh from New Delhi and I can speak English, Hindi i am fresher i become air hostess in Qatar airways because I travel in Qatar airways I loved and I wish become true my this dreams . Please Pray for my Dream .
Melissa Ekron
Posted at 11:47h, 19 NovemberGood day,
I know with the COVID restriction it may be difficult to answer this question, but when can I apply to join the Qatar Cabin Crew? And how? I’m from South Africa and would love to be part of the Qatar Airway team. Thank you!
Posted at 12:04h, 26 NovemberWhen can I apply to join the Qatar airways as a flight attendant and how? I am from Howrah, West Bengal, India
Shubhangi singh
Posted at 10:13h, 19 DecemberI have a birthmark on my face which is not clearly visible nd it’s so tiny so it can be a barrier for the selection……..i am desperate to become cabin crew in qatar airways ……
Posted at 05:31h, 20 MarchGoodmorning madam/sir, this is TANIA GHOSH here. I want to apply to join in Qatar Airways as a cabin crew. When can it be possible and how? Moreover presently I am getting trained in Frankfin institute for becoming airhostess. I am from kolkata, India.
Posted at 18:23h, 03 JulyFraud airlines not giving refund not talk to customer very bed behaivar
aakanksha chopra
Posted at 08:57h, 29 Mayhi i am an ex qatar airways cabin crew flew almost a decade with qatar , is qatar recruiting cabin crew again?
Posted at 18:21h, 03 JulyFraud airlines not giving refund not talk to customer very bed behaivar
Posted at 18:22h, 03 JulyFraud airlines not giving because not give permission for travel but also not give refund very bed behaviour
Shake Jarena Be
Posted at 11:28h, 27 JulyHow to apply for cabin crew job
Am 27 years
Bilal Arshad
Posted at 11:17h, 15 AugustI want to apply in Qatar Airways, kindly Kindle guide me the criteria.
Bilal Arshad
Posted at 11:18h, 15 AugustWhat’s the criteria to apply in Qatar Airways.
Posted at 20:56h, 19 AugustWorst airline ever for the flight attendants and the qr employees,
Posted at 21:01h, 19 AugustMost egoistic airline ceo award can go to
al baker qr ceo,with the always nonsense comments he has made irrespective of gender,companies,etc first he thought der wasnt any corona virus for real, and now has control over the movements of the crew in and outside qatar,
Sonali rite
Posted at 16:20h, 16 OctoberIt was nice to read about Qartar airways the feedbacks are nice , it’s my dream to be the part of these airways please welcome I am very hardworking and loyal to my work
I am interested to be the part of Qatar Airways
Sneha patel
Posted at 19:00h, 03 NovemberJob
Sneha patel
Posted at 19:04h, 03 NovemberMujhe achha laga mai mai apne kaam ko pure man laga kar karti hu mai kaam pe wafadari hu
Faith Hart
Posted at 15:19h, 18 JanuaryIt’s my dream to be part of qatar airways
Posted at 22:40h, 11 NovemberHello,
Thank you for the great information.
If you are married and have kids, but you are within requirements can you apply to Qatar or does this exempt you from being hired?
Thank you,
Posted at 18:52h, 20 NovemberI like this job thanku for the great information.
Khwaiesh Santosh lubana
Posted at 21:35h, 22 NovemberMujhe job ki jarurat hai me nend cabin curu ki trening le hai
Faith Hart
Posted at 15:22h, 18 JanuaryIt was nice reading your rules easy to follow. Wish to be part of qatar airways cabin crew how can I appy
Posted at 19:38h, 21 AprilDear writer,
Can women have short ear length haircut and bangs?
Is it acceptable? Or not?
Please let me know fast I am in dilemma whether to cut my hair or not.
Sunita manjhi
Posted at 08:12h, 27 JulyI was send to resume with chat
Sunita manjhi
Posted at 08:21h, 27 JulyI want to do work with quatar airways airline. I have aviation qualified with Master degree. Maximum age 31 year old. .
Posted at 11:30h, 02 MarchPrisoners of war. Besides making suitable arrangements why no one can go out crazy story lol
Posted at 12:02h, 13 FebruaryI was invited for interview 11/02/2024 I could made it due to some few reasons, will I be given another chance to be reschedule for another day, cause I can’t afford to miss this opportunity, I really need this job