06 Apr Impressions from our last Cabin Crew Interview preparation course in Rome
On 8-9 October 2016, How to be Cabin Crew team organized the second cabin crew interview preparation course in Italy, Rome. We had 2 days of intensive preparation, which offered us the opportunity to meet amazing students, with an enormous desire to learn a lot about the Cabin Crew position and also to get their wings as soon as possible.
We had students from Germany, Italy, Cameron, Philippines and Romania and during the 2 days we tried to create the most beautiful and motivating learning experience for our students. The feedback received at the end of our course made us realize that we succeeded to make our students feel more confident and ready to fly among the clouds.
Georgiana and me went to Rome on 5th of October and we enjoyed 2 days off before the course started. We wandered the streets of Rome, we ate lots of pasta, pistachio gelato (my favorite) and coconut gelato (Georgiana’s favorite), we celebrated together one more year in my life (on 6 October was my birthday) and took advantage of all the beauties this cities has to offer.
Most of times, we are working from Monday to Monday, so whenever we have a day off for ourself we try to take fully advantage of it.
But let me tell you about the course and the beautiful experience we had preparing students of different nationalities and backgrounds. We were lucky because our students had an advanced level of English, so we had a fluent and extremely friendly conversation. At each course, our students become gradually our friends and dear people that I try to motivate every day to be better, to have more confidence in them and to aim as high as possible. Our students in Rome already had customer service experience, so the process of learning was extremely easy, each one understanding rapidly how they have to approach the clients/passengers and to solve the situations in which the recruiters could put them through in order to prove their customer service abilities.
We exercised together the stages of an airline interview, public speaking techniques, English tests and lots of games to stimulate their creativity and critical thinking. We laughed and learned a lot and we made sure our students will leave the place much more prepared for an airline interview, more positive and self confident.
I am very grateful for each course and for the people I have the chance to meet and I am very happy we manage to expand our courses all over Europe. And I truly believe that this is only the beginning.
I leave here one of the feedbacks received after our course, from Maecy Villegas, our student from Philippine, based in Milan:
”Dear Anca,
I have learned a lot from you and my colleagues during these two days of course. I would like to thank you for this amazing opportunity. I am more confident now because I know I am prepared and ready to spread my wings.
You were so nice to us and I felt really comfortable during your classes. Not only that I learned a lot, but I also had fun. I had the chance to meet new friends and a mentor (you!). This course is one of the best things I’ve ever done because it gives me a little more sparks to shine. I am thankful for your help and your advice and I will always keep them on my mind and try to follow them as much as I can.
You encouraged me to always give the best of me in every challenge I will be facing in my life. You became one of my heroes and the image of success that will inspire me in my career.
Thank you,
See you in the sky!
Book your seat at our next cabin crew course in Rome. For further information, check this page: https://howtobecabincrew.com/how-to-be-cabin-crew-2-day-course/
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