21 Jul Our student was recruited by three airline companies. Now she is cabin crew
It was in November 2014 when our student D. took off to Abu Dhabi. D. is one of the luckiest girls who successfully passed the interview with an important Middle East Company last fall.
How we got to know our student
We initially met last year in July, at the stewardesses’ party, organized by us on the occasion of the How to be cabin crew 1st anniversary. Soon after, in August, D. became our student at one of the preparation courses held by us monthly. She came to the course, got herself prepared, started to apply to the majority of the airlines recruiting in Romania (namely Qatar Airways, Etihad Airways, Ryanair and Flynas), and she was even recruited by three of them. Finally, she came to realize Etihad Airways is the company that suits her best.
Why cabin crew and not any other job?
I have chosen this job because, in my vision, is the only one that combines/merges/mixes up two essential things: the necessary with the pleasure. It doesn’t have the features of a normal job and I personally love everything which is out of the ordinary.
When did you decide to fly?
It was only this year when I’ve made up my mind that I want to fly. Being on my last year of university, studying foreign languages and having to interact with people of different nationalities and cultures, made be become more and more curious about how far I could go in order to succeed.
How did the interview with Etihad Airways go?
The interview went in a relaxed and natural manner. At every step, I felt continuously encouraged by the recruiters to be myself and speak freely. They acted kindly and funnily during the entire interview process and this permitted me to make a joke, while solving the ’’get to know each other’’ task. I was the sixty-six number and after introducing myself, following their model, I told them: ’’I’m lucky no 66 and I think I’m missing a six’’, which eased the atmosphere and stole them a smile along with a nice comment. The final interview, which occurred the next day, was peppered with smiles and jokes from their part. They warmly welcomed me, telling me I could relax, that the worst part had passed and a discussion was going to follow, so they could know me better. They asked me different types of questions: whether I have worked before in UAE or not, about me missing home and my knowledge regarding the Muslim culture, why Etihad, to tell them about a positive and a negative event concerning my customer service experience, whether I could adapt to an unusual work schedule, about what would be in my opinion the hardest thing for me to do, and the list goes on. The interview ended with a ‘see you soon’, which gave me the hope that everything went well.
You are among the lucky ones selected by more than one airline, following the interview. Why did you choose Etihad Airways?
It’s true that I’ve attended four interviews until now: Ryanair; Qatar; Etihad; Flynas and also that I’ve successfully obtained the cabin crew position with three of them. I chose Etihad Airways because of their open-mindedness and the opportunity to fly in almost every part of the world.
In what measure do you think what you’ve learned during the How to be cabin crew course helped you with the interview?
To participate in such a course was one of the most beautiful experiences. I had the pleasure to meet the team at the stewardesses’ cocktail and I was truly in love with the way the whole event was organized, the idea itself that there are people who really want to help us, and there were also guests who came particularly to speak us. This thing determined me to choose to come to the preparation course and, even if I wasn’t scared about my English or how I should act when it comes to customer service, I had great lacks concerning grooming and attitude.
I have learned how to temper myself, correct my mistakes, look at least almost perfect on the day of the interview, and all this due to the incredible way I’ve succeeded to combine through practice and attention the things learned at course. It was a relaxed atmosphere, the group games were a pleasure, and the attention given by the team to every one of us was priceless. Anca was always attentive to our way of expressing ourselves in English, Nicoleta was challenging us with different and different questions, and Georgiana was monitoring our every movement, so that everything could go well in the end. The most beautiful part of this course was that I managed to keep in touch with the How to be cabin crew team. On this occasion, I would like to thank them from the bottom of my soul for my success.
How do you see relocating/re-homing to a Muslim country? What do you think about Abu Dhabi?
I am amazed about the idea of new and I see relocating as a challenge, both from cultural and gastronomical point of view. Abu Dhabi is a luxurious and rich town, the high temperatures enchant me, as I love the warm weather, and this constitutes an advantage of the town. I hope the accommodation will be easy, although I am sure I will miss my family and friends I love so much. But now it’s my time to grow and do what I have always dreamt, to travel.
What is your advice for those ready to attend an interview?
My advice for those who want a career as cabin crew is to read with attention the interview requirements and the opinions of those who have already participated in an interview, concerning the questions and tasks required, to practice their English, and for a full success, to join a How to be cabin crew preparation course (the following day everything will seem to them easier, and to me, the individual feedback offered is priceless). Yet, the most important thing is the smile, along with a little bit of personality, and they will surely not fail.
Join us on an exclusive 4 day training course. We’ll share everything you need to know to pass the cabin crew interview stages, we will edit your perfect CV and take professional pictures for your online application. At the end of the course, you will be fully prepared for the interview. Book your seat now!
Posted at 00:22h, 23 JulyI would like to know where it takes place the course and how much it is cost. Thank you.
Anca Dumitrescu
Posted at 15:55h, 23 JulyHello Paula,
The course takes place in Bucharest and it lasts 4 days. On this page you will find all the information needed regarding costs and what you will learn at the course: https://howtobecabincrew.com/how-to-be-cabin-crew-course/
Looking forward to meeting you at our next course!
Posted at 18:20h, 14 MayMoi personnellement j’ai se mascara & je ne le trouve pas tellement exceptionnelle, il est tres liquide et il fait des tas . Mais bon c’est peut-être moi qui ne l&aul17;#pp2iq8e pas bien.