11 Aug Hainan Airlines is looking for flight attendants from Bucharest/Prague/Budapest
Hainan Airlines, a Chinese airline company, is hiring 200 flight attendants this September from Bucharest, Prague and Budapest.
All interested candidates are requested to apply by sending cover letter and CV. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to face-to-face interview session in Prague/Budapest/Bucharest.
Qualification & Experience
>Age between 21 and 35 yearsExperienced Flight Attendant: 21- 40 years old
>Reach of at least 212cm (on tip toes) in order to reach emergency equipment on all aircrafts
>No visible tattoos, skin scar, or human body arts
>Educated to high-school level with strong problem-solving skills
>Fluent in spoken and written English (additional languages are desirable)
>Charming, friendly, team-orientated personality
>Flexible in irregular working schedule, including evenings and holidays
>Medically fit to meet air crew requirements which is issued by the Civil Aviation
Administration of China
>Positive attitude with a natural ability to provide excellent service in a team environment and when dealing with people from many cultures
>Must be willing to be based in Beijing, China (It is possibility, international flight attendants could be transferred to overseas base later)
Interview process
- Online Application
- Resume Screening
- Conditional Offer
- Phone Interview
- Face to Face Interview
Things you need to prepare for the interview
- wear formal cloths
- copy of valid passport
- two 2-inch photos
About Hainan Airlines:
Hainan Airlines was founded in January 1993. Hainan Airlines’ fleet is mainly comprised of Boeing 737s and 787s, and Airbus 330s. Our extensive network routes cover China, Asia, and extend to Europe, and North America, with over 600 domestic and international routes flying to almost 90 cities worldwide.
Since its setting up, Hainan Airlines has been safely operating for 22 years and has accumulated over 4.5 million hours of safe flights maintaining an outstanding safety record. Hainan Airlines’ service receives recognition by passengers and the civil aviation industry. Since 2011, Hainan Airlines was awarded Skytrax five-star airline for four consecutive terms.
Hainan Airlines Co Ltd is launching the first direct flights between China and the Czech Republic. The route from Beijing to Prague, capital of the Czech Republic, will begin on Sept 23, with the Chinese carrier running three flights a week. This will be Hainan Airlines’ seventh route to Europe, which would complete the carrier’s global network.
Posted at 14:46h, 13 AugustHi guys, I got a question, I’ve googled a lot online and couldn’t really find much about Europeans working in Hainan Airlines as Cabin Crew. I sent my CV and after a day got a reply that I passed the initial screening and that I’ll soon be called for a phone interview. After a week they called me and I had a nice chat with them about my experience etc so now I’m wating for the e-mail of the location and time of the face to face interview. As per them we should be based in Beijing for 6 months than 6 months in European base. So,does anyone have any contact with them , being called for interview or anything you can share?
Thank you in advance 🙂
Posted at 16:37h, 17 AugustHi there,It seems that we are in the same shoes.I was shortlisted,then phone interview and now I’m waiting for my official invite for the personal interview.Unfortunately,there is not a lot about cabin crew exerience online.
Dareenah Joyce Jaurigue
Posted at 05:08h, 19 JanuaryHi! I just want to ask if how did you apply to Hainan Airlines? Hoping to hear from you soon. Thank you!
Posted at 10:44h, 20 AugustGirls, the same in my case. I got an e-mail saying that I passed the screening, then they called and now I am waiting for the official invitation to the face-to-face interview.
Dareenah Joyce Jaurigue
Posted at 05:08h, 19 JanuaryHi! I just want to ask if how did you apply to Hainan airlines. Hoping to hear from you soon! Thank you. 🙂
Posted at 10:12h, 26 Augusthi there! same thing by me. just curious, did anyone received the invitation? great day all of you!
Posted at 12:58h, 27 AugustHi Guys,Has anyone got their invite for the final, face-to-face interview yet?I had my phone interview approx.2 wks.ago but still nothing….Thanks in advance.Have a nice day to all!
Posted at 20:06h, 29 AugustHey girls, I was also shotlisted, and maybe two days ago they sent me an e-mail with information, that within this week they sent me another mail with all information about open- the date, time, what will I need, etc.
Btw, is there someone who is going to the Prague’s Open Day?
Have a nice to all!
Maybe we will meet in Beijing 😛
Posted at 13:45h, 30 AugustHi Borbora, I was also shortlisted and I am going to the Pragues Open Day, but Hainan still haven´t confirmed the date 😉 my e-mail: maddy1111sk@yahoo.com
Posted at 00:44h, 01 SeptemberHey girls, today I had my phone interview…can’t wait for the news! Anyway, good luck for everybody and let’s keep in touch!
Posted at 18:09h, 01 SeptemberAnybody from Slovakia here? Today, I received an official invitation to their Job Event in Prague. It will be held on September, 25th. So I am just interested if anyone else will be travelling to Prague from Slovakia? maybe we can meet in train and have a little chit-chat 😉 e-mail me on maddy1111sk@yahoo.com
Posted at 09:40h, 02 SeptemberHi girls, I also just had ma phone interview and now waiting for the official invite.Thou has any one got news about the training and medical insurance. We cater for that ourselves or its handled by the Airline company
Posted at 17:06h, 02 SeptemberHi Girls,
I had my interview 3 weeks ago!!!and still haven’t heard anything.Neither bad,nor good news.What takes so long?
Posted at 21:19h, 04 SeptemberHello Guys !!!
I will be in Prague on the 25th of September however I didn’t receive any official invitation neither… she just asked me on the phone which of the Open Day I will be able come for. Since no news.
Posted at 15:04h, 05 SeptemberHello Nico,
you must be officially invited. They should have sent you an e-mail with the formal invitation which you need to print, with other attachment and take it with you when attending the event. It is REQUIRED. Otherwise, they probably won´t let you attend the event. So try to e-mail them and urge them to send you an invitation.
Michal (maddy1111sk@yahoo.com)
Posted at 17:53h, 06 SeptemberHi Michal, yes they answered me to my email, saying that they hope to meet me in person on the 25th of September but without official invitation lol 🙂 so I sent another mail asking if I will get one 🙂 soon…
Posted at 10:04h, 07 SeptemberHello! Does anybody know the dates for the interviews which are going to be organized in Bucharest/ Budapest? Thank you, have a nice week!
Posted at 13:39h, 07 SeptemberBucharest – September 17th / Budapest – September 20th / Prague – September 25th as much as I know
Posted at 13:54h, 07 SeptemberThank you very much, Michal!
Posted at 20:10h, 07 SeptemberHello there! I also had the phone interview but after that i had no news….it’s been a week and i’m also thinking of sending them an email, but then again i think that they are supposed to send an email of either acceptance or rejection, like everyone else does. Right? Good luck to the rest!
Posted at 22:17h, 11 Septemberhi guys i got a formal invitation to the interview in budapest on 20th of september anyone going there here is my email in case we need a chitchat raouftun@hotmail.com , I am french by the way c u soooooon
Posted at 02:23h, 13 Septemberhi there! anyone know about benefits and salary for international crew??
Posted at 16:26h, 18 SeptemberHi Guys,Has anyone passed the finals???
Posted at 20:47h, 10 JuneHello Ritaz, could you say more about the up coming at Hainan? Thank you!
Posted at 23:34h, 26 SeptemberRitaz: I must proudly say that I passed.
Posted at 16:42h, 28 Septemberits not worthy to go for hainan ,low salary for international crew ,theres now bidding system theres only 15 days annual leave , the only free ticket is only with hainan airlines and its only one per year , there s no benefits like ID90 or ID50 , its 3 months training and you will live in a shared accomodation far away from beijing its a shame if i ll go away to the other half of the planet for few euros, the contract to sign is to long and with no sense
is better to work in MCdonalds in your city better to go to china for a shit salary and living condition miserable
OMG never seen an airlines like that
Posted at 15:34h, 10 JuneHello Ryan, I was invited for an inteview with them, and I couldn’t find much usefull information on the internet. Would you like to talk privately? My email pris_bio@hotmail.com add me to your facebook or just send me an email if you’d like.
Thank you very much.
Posted at 19:58h, 28 SeptemberHello! Did they send any e-mail for those who were rejected? Thanks
Posted at 08:17h, 29 SeptemberRAYAN: yeah, if you want to be the richest flight attendant in whole world, Hainan is definitely not for you. But their benefits are not as bad as you mentioned in your post! You clearly didn´t read a whole contract (which is not that long, approximately 20 pages, with text also in English and Chinese, so only half page with English text) or you didn’t understand the contract (It wouldn’t surprise me because your English is really bad). Your salary goes higher as soon as you become Economy/First Class attendant, 15 days annual leave + chinese holidays (which is +28 days!! and if you work during chinese holidays they will triple your salary), one free international ticket + 3 tickets within China, benefits (accommodatoin allowance, transport allowance, much more money if you fly 80 hours a month … which international crew usually do! etc. etc. etc.) I don´t want to mention everything. Hainan is much more about experience than about money. Most of people who passed want to learn mandarin and it can help you a lot in future. But if you wanna be rich, you should try Emirates. 😉
Posted at 16:57h, 09 OctoberTake it easy I really feel sorry for you , lool , I got the contract , I can even send it to you , I can understand if u are one of the Hainan recruitment team, , the way how you defend the Airline it s bit suspicious , so take it easy one more time and if you are Chinese try to accept when I criticize your company and talk about the bad things,
I am Ex crew for an airline much better than Emirates if I was looking to be rich but the salary of Hainan is shameful for the international Crew I am not talking about you
Posted at 08:20h, 29 SeptemberSisy: They mentioned during the interview that they will contact only those who passed.
Posted at 10:08h, 26 AprilHello! I want to ask about salary in Hainan Airlines. If somebody knows, will be great to hear it.
Posted at 10:08h, 26 AprilHello! I want to ask about salary in Hainan Airlines. If somebody knows, will be great to hear it. CABIN CREW
Posted at 04:37h, 10 MayGuys,please tell me,where can I fill out a form on the cabin crew?:)
Posted at 09:08h, 20 AugustHi, Im Elaine. I have an important question to ask! I’m 156cm, will i be selected for Hainan Airline?
Ana Maria
Posted at 14:09h, 02 SeptemberHello Elaine,
it doesn’t matter your height, you just need to reach 212 cm on your tip-toes with your hands up. Measure yourself and if you reach it, don’t hesitate to apply for a Cabin Crew job.
Good luck and see you among the clouds! 🙂
choney ginzon
Posted at 19:37h, 10 Octoberhoi, ik heb een vraag, want ik ben op dit moment aan het studeren op een stewardessen opleiding, nu is mijn vraag: hoe jullie weten wanneer aziatische luchtvaartmaatschappijen recruiten in europa. ik woon namelijk in Nederland. en wil graag bij Tibet Airlines werken, maar ik kan nergens informatie vinden over hoe je jezelf moet aanmelden en wat de eisen zijn voor een stewardess. want jullie reageren heel snel op zulke advertenties
Zuzana Busovska
Posted at 18:58h, 14 SeptemberTo Whom It May Concern,
I would like to apply for a position of a cabin crew with Hainan Airline. Please let me know where I can apply. Many thanks. Zuzana