Top 10 Cabin Crew Final Interview Questions

The Final Interview is the last step you need to take while dealing with the recruiters. It may last from just a few minutes (as it is the case of Qatar Airways, when you are given not more than 5 minutes) to 20-30 minutes. It all depends on your discussion with the recruiters, what they are looking for on your CV, your past experience and the way in which you succeed to convince them of your future cabin crew abilities.

The discussion is usually a relaxed one; it’s just you and the recruiters. They will pay close attention to your answers, as well as to your body language. How you will support your opinions, along with your ability to take decisions quickly and give relevant answers will also be noticed.

There are some standard questions posed on the final interview. That does not mean, of course, that the questions will remain the same for each interview, or that the recruiters won’t ask you something specific, according to your own professional experience. You have to be prepared for anything, confident and optimistic during all the interview process.

Here is a list of the most commonly asked interview questions, whose response should be kept in mind:

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
  2. Recall a time when a co-worker was not doing their job. Did you step in, and if so, how?
  3. Why do you want to be a Flight Attendant?
  4. What 3 strengths would you bring to the company?
  5. Tell me a time when you were overwhelmed at work. What happened? What did you do? What was the end result?
  6. Give an example of excellent customer service you provide.
  7. How do you feel about wearing a uniform at work?
  8. Why should we hire you?
  9. Do you want to ask us anything?
  10. Recall a time when you had to handle an unruly customer. How did you resolve the ensuing conflict?

Cabin Crew Final Interview Questions: How to answer?

Stay relevant in everything you say. Don’t give very long answers and always come up with practical examples, relating to your own experience. Be sincere and tell the truth in case you haven’t already found yourself in a certain situation. Don’t interrupt the recruiters and try to maintain a positive atmosphere. When you are done, don’t forget to thank them for their time.

My advice is to have the answers to the questions above prepared in advance (or at least have an idea). Don’t memorize them and don’t try to build perfect answers. Smile as much as you can and try to prove the recruiters that all your qualities recommend you for the position of flight attendant within that airline.

  • Petra Tetikova
    Posted at 14:40h, 06 October Reply

    Dear Sirs,

    I am interested in your offer of the job for possition of cabin crew.

    Let me introduce myself to you.

    My name is Petra Tetíková, born in Prague 11.2.1977. Single, no children.

    In 1996 I compleated my sdudies on Secondary Hotel School and in February 2000
    I started to work for ČSA Czech Airlines as a flight attendant.

    Due to reduction of its fleet I finished my career there in April 2012.

    After more than twelve years on board I guess I have skills and abilities you are looking for. I used to fly on B373, A310 and A320, ATR72 and ATR42. Last three years I work as a secretary and receptionst.

    Language skills – fluent spoken and written English, spoken and written Spanish, German and partly Russian, beginner in French.

    I consider your company being one of the fast growing and dynamic firm with big deal on the airline market. Nevertheless my main motivation to send you this email is your new destination – Prague.

    I found out your company intends to open the base for CC in Prague. I have to honestly say I am intrested in being employed when you have this base here.

    I was wondering if I could send you my CV. If so, please, let me know. It would be my pleasure.

    Should you require any additional information, do not hesitate to contact me, please.
    Thank you for your time.

    Petra Tetíková
    Address: Chrudimská 3,13000 Prague
    Cell phone: +420 731 523 194

  • You are Stupid
    Posted at 11:47h, 30 November Reply

    Petra, you are stupid. isn’t an airline.

  • Anchal verma
    Posted at 04:30h, 19 November Reply

    Good opportunity

    • Mandeep kaur
      Posted at 09:10h, 27 January Reply

      Hi mam my name is Mandeep Kaur am from Punjab i want this job my aim i want to become an a airhostess pls mam give me a opportunity.

  • Muskan Joshi
    Posted at 16:47h, 27 February Reply

    It’s a great

  • vaishali therolkar
    Posted at 07:21h, 25 January Reply

    it’s a good opportunity

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