16 Apr Make sure you have perfect photos for the cabin crew interview
When you fill in the cabin crew application you must attach two types of digital photographs of yourself:
- One passport-type photograph
- One full-length photograph
However, when you go to the job interview, you should also have these pictures printed and attached to your resume.
What size should the photographs be?
Usually, each company will specify this on their website, the moment they update the information about the recruiting session. However, most of the times, they require a passport-type photograph (i.e. 3.5 X 4.5 cm) and a full-length one (13 X 18 cm.).
Be sure when you upload these pictures in the on-line application they do not exceed the 500 kB limit and also, they are formatted in the .jpeg type.
- smile authentically
- your smile could be either closed or open mouth
- do not raise your eyebrows
- make sure your face and your sight are camera-oriented
- make sure your hands and legs fit the picture
- do not cross your legs
- do not wear glasses or colored contact lenses
Tips for taking the photos:
- the background should be one-color (usually white)
- sufficiently illuminated pictures are preferred
- the picture must be taken at your height level
- the picture must be clear and at a high resolution
- both photographs should be taken at the same time s o as not to be upsettingly different
- the full-length photo must show your full body, including the shoes.
In these pictures you can see three former How to be cabin crew students, currently flight attendants at different airlines.

Dress code
The outfit you take your pictures in should match the one you will be wearing when going to the interview.
- Deux-pieces black/blue/grey/brown/black green suit.
- Shirt, preferably a white one or in a light colour (beige, ligt blue, light pink, not trasparent)
- Knee-length skirt
- Leg-colored stockings
- Dark colored High heels, preferably matching the color of the suit
- Engagement ring, wedding ring, pearl earrings or a small, transparent rock and a small watch
- If your hair is short, comb it neatly; if your hair is shoulder-length or longer, you need to have a bun
- Wear natural make-up, appropriate to your color complexion.
- Blue, black or dark grey suit, only thin stripes are accepted.
- Classic, collar, long sleeves shirt, preferably white
- Simple tie, the color matching the suit
- Belt, socks and shoes necessarily matching the suit color
- Attentively polished shoes
- Short, neat hair
- The only accepted accessories – wedding ring/engagement ring and watch.
After applying for a job as cabin crew, the photographs you have taken will bear much importance in the recruiting process. They will be shown to the HR department of the company after the Assessment Day. Only after the application form is fully-completed and studied, will the final response be given. Make sure it proves you are the candidate they’ve been looking for!
shradha pandey
Posted at 20:34h, 17 Augustmy dream is to be an airhostess…☺
Andreea Julei
Posted at 22:53h, 17 AugustDear Shradha,
We wish you good luck and if that is your dream, make anything possible to make it come true.
Ayomide babatunde
Posted at 12:00h, 09 JulyMy dream is to become a cabin crew
Rutuja Chavan
Posted at 06:19h, 21 JuneMy dream is to be a part of cabin crew so I join frankfinn instituted
Posted at 12:28h, 10 JanuaryIt has been my dream to become a flight attendant but unfortunately my height is only 5 flat. 😢
Andreea Julei
Posted at 14:44h, 10 JanuaryHello Marga,
My opinion is not to give up because there are some airlines which don’t take into consideration your hight. Try to search a little bit more and fight for your dream. We wish you good luck!
Nisha Kumari
Posted at 11:56h, 22 MayIT is my dream job but my height is 5 😢
Sujata Koirala
Posted at 15:05h, 16 AugustIt’s my dream to be an cabin crew😊.and l have perfect height for it also.but my communication English skills is poor 😞.
Posted at 13:14h, 09 MayHello ma’am can we apply for ground staff or Crew if Age is 34 . We can’t full fill our dreams at certain time due to some uncertain problems. But when we feel we can , the time is already gone . So can u help me out with ur suggestions can I apply now I’m 34 years
Larisa Sîrbu
Posted at 16:10h, 10 MayHello! Dreaming has no age and you are never too old to do what you truly love! You should take into account that if you wish to work for an airline company in the Middle East, then the chances of getting hired without any prior customer service or aviation experience is extremely low. The good thing is that many airline companies in Europe don’t have such a thing as “maximum age” and you can get your dream job even at 34. (Birtish Airways, RyanAir and so on) I wish you best of luck and may you see your dream come to life. Don’t lose hope!
Kind regards,
Nisha Kumari
Posted at 11:53h, 22 MayI love this job
Nisha Kumari
Posted at 11:58h, 22 MayIT is my dream job but my height is 5 😢
Ranjitha. V.Hiremath
Posted at 12:48h, 19 JuneI need job in ground staff
Posted at 17:53h, 22 JuneI’m looking for a job cabin crew or tickets counter
Asma Usmani
Posted at 09:48h, 27 JuneIt is my dream job airline
Sujata Koirala
Posted at 15:12h, 16 AugustIs it okay if I have not fluent English skill?
Posted at 06:04h, 03 JuneIt was a great article which gave a better idea what Hotel Management is. It will be a great help if you and your team can elaborate more on specific courses and rank the institute for that particular course eg
Karthik M Gowda
Posted at 11:41h, 27 AugustHlo mamm My very Big dream to be an cabin crew or ground staff mamm 😊 but i have perfect height for it also.but my communication skill is also poor 😔.
Vasil Balev
Posted at 23:39h, 13 OctoberHi there,
Thank you very much for the detailed information. You have helped me quite a lot. It is very informative and very well structured, covering everything that one needs to know.
May I ask one question regarding the line where it says – “Belt, socks and shoes necessarily matching the suit colour.”, my question is will it be a problem for me (a man) if I am wearing a navy blue suit with a belt, shoes and watch strap in the colour of brown with navy blue or brown socks? I simply like adding some colour and I don’t feel like a monochrome outfit would be best, personally for me, what is your opinion? I would be more than glad if you can answer my question. Also, If I am wearing navy blue should the tie 100% also be navy blue or it can be brown, matching the shoes, watch strap and belt?
Thank you in advance for your time spent, you are awesome!