Interview with Cezara, former student, now Qatar Airways flight attendant

Cezara’s aviation story was a success from the first start. Determined and focused on her aspirations, the desire to wear the wonderful Qatar Airways uniform became a reality for her in a very short time. She took part in both interviews for Ryanair and the one for Qatar Airways, and she passed both of them with flying colours.

In the fall season of 2021, she decided to attend our courses from How to become cabin crew Academy and thus began a beautiful experience that would shape her path through the clouds. We are very happy that we had the opportunity to take part in shaping her dream, and today we are happy to share Cezera’s story with you.


  1. Who is Cezara and how would you describe her if you were her best friend?

Cezara is and will always be a dreamer with a unique perspective of the world, driven by a strong desire for innovation and change, with a permanent willingness to listen to others, driven by an empathetic spirit and passion for the human side.


  1. How did you activate the “microbe” of flight in you? How and where did this happen? How did you come to dream of a job in the clouds?

I always disliked the idea of ​​having an ordinary job, and the desire to discover as many corners of the world as possible has always been a part of my soul. For me, the microbe of flight activated so spontaneously and unexpectedly, when one day, I started analyzing my ideals and passions and since then I began to visualize myself in a cabin crew uniform, traveling the world. All I can remember is that after a few days of research I fell in love with this lifestyle.

  1. How did you go from desire to action? What steps did you take to get this job?

Led by a strong desire and drive, I started working on my CV, identifying my qualities and completing my skill set. The “How to become cabin crew” course certainly facilitated this endeavor. I believe that a crucial step was based on the work on the psychical level through which I induced the idea that I had the ability to succeed.


  1. How many airline interviews did you attend before you were victorious?

I went for two interviews and both were a success, Ryanair and Qatar Airways.


  1. How did the interview with Qatar Airways go? What did you think was the most difficult part of the interview? How did you manage to get through everything and overcome your emotions?

It may sound cliché, but I felt that my place would be with Qatar Airways when, preparing to leave for the Ryanair course in Dublin, I received an email saying that my CV had been selected and I was invited to give an online interview for Qatar Airways on the Sonru platform. For me it was something extraordinary to learn that such a renowned company as Qatar Airways wants to get to know me better. After a few months, I received the long-awaited invitation to participate in the Open Day recruitment in Bucharest. There were 3 days of intense recruitment in which I went through various tests. I consider that everything went quite naturally, I can’t say that there was a test that put me in difficulty, although the emotions were there throughout the recruitment, I managed to control them by trying to maintain a positive mindset.


  1. Why do you think the recruiters chose you? Which quality mattered the most?

Sometimes I wonder out of so many candidates what made the recruiters decide that I was the right fit for their company. If I were to do a self-analysis, I would probably say it was my positive and friendly attitude. I think it’s important to understand what airlines expect from you, but also what it means to be a perfect flight attendant, and the trainers of How to become Cabin Crew Academy are the best able to prepare you in order to be the ideal potential of any company.


  1. Did you prepare with our team through a course? How did it seem to you and how much do you think it helped you in passing the interview? What do you think about the trainers?

After my CV was selected by Qatar Airways, I decided to do everything possible to get the job, so I enrolled in your course and I am very grateful for this decision. I remember how confident I went home after. From my point of view, the course prepares you not only for the interview at any airline, but also for the flight attendant job. The girls from “How to become cabin crew” don’t only have a lot of experience and knowledge, but also showed a lot of pedagogical tact. At the same time, you manage to meet so many people with the same dream as yours. This made me feel like part of a family. I still keep in touch with a lot of my colleagues and they are now flight attendants for different airlines.


  1. What advice would you give to How to become cabin crew readers who want to follow your example and work as flight attendants?

My advice to those who dream of a high career is to act and work to become the best possible version of themselves. From my point of view, the course of How to become cabin crew Academy is a promising first step.


  1. A message for the How to become cabin crew team 🙂

Thank you for the passion you share so generously and warmly. I wish you to carry at least as many dreams through the clouds and continue to remove the “turbulence” from the journeys of future flight attendants.

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